
  • V. Devina Setyawati Darma Cendika Catolic University, Surabaya
  • Nia Yuniarsih Darma Cendika Catolic University, Surabaya


Political parties in Indonesia, have many problems related to finance. The Indonesian Corruption Watch (ICW) identifies that political parties do not have uniform accounting information systems, political party financial transparency is still in doubt, and there is no consolidation of financial reports between political parties at the central and regional levels, so that it has the potential to create dualism of financial reports which is of course very contradicting principles of transparency and accountability. Whereas the regulations regarding political party financial reports that must be transparent and accountable have been regulated in PSAK 45 issued by the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI) for non-profit organizations including political parties. This research will show the urgency of the need for special financial accounting standards for political parties. Through searching the literature and previous research, this research is a qualitative study using the literature study method. Literature study is research using secondary data which can be obtained from literature, mass media archives and documents. The results of this literature research show that PSAK 45 has not been used effectively, while on the other hand the context of political parties is very different from what is regulated in PSAK 45. On the other hand, the very limited human resources in political parties affect the inability of political parties, especially in regions, providing financial reports that comply with standards.


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How to Cite

Setyawati, V. D., & Yuniarsih, N. (2020). POLITICAL PARTY FINANCE: NEED SPECIFIC STANDARDS?. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from https://debian.stiesia.ac.id/index.php/icobuss1st/article/view/102



International Conference of Business and Social Sciences