
  • Teguh Sanyoto Polytechnic NSC, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Nina Triolita Polytechnic NSC, Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to determine the competitive level of traditional retail and to formulate the right strategy so that traditional retailers can compete with modern retailers. The object of this research is the traditional retail consumers in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia. This research uses purposive sampling . The sampling criteria are as follows: over 17 years old and have bought at traditional retail and modern retail in the Sidoarjo City area. The number of samples used is 60 respondents as the population in the city of Sidoarjo. The data analysis tools used are Importance-Performance Analysis, Fish Bone Diagram , and SWOT (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threaths) analysis. The results of the identification of the competitive ability of traditional retail are that traditional retail has not been able to compete with modern retail. Evidence that traditional retail has not been able to compete, seen from the average value of implementation which is lower than the average value of expectations. The average value of implementation is 1.79. The mean value of the expectation is 2.51. The variables considered to see the level of competitive ability of traditional retailers are Reliability, responsiveness, Confidence, Empathy, and Physical appearance of traditional retail. The strategies used to improve the competitive ability of traditional retailers are: first, the SO Strategy consists of improving service quality and Research and development. Second, the WO Strategy consists of capital strength, promotion, quality development of human resources and increasing the morale of human resources. Third, ST Strategy consists of service optimization. Fourth, the WT Strategy consists of community development and cooperation with other traditional retailers and modern retailers. With the AIDAR (Awareness, Interest, Desire, Action, Retention) pattern, the above alternative strategies must be implemented to increase the competitive ability of traditional retailers.


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How to Cite

Sanyoto, T. ., & Triolita, N. . (2022). MARKETING STRATEGIES WITH AIDAR PATTERNS (AWARNESS, INTEREST, DESIRE, ACTION, RETENTION) FOR TRADITIONAL RETAILS TO COMPETE WITH MODERN RETAILS. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 292–303. Retrieved from