
  • Ema Nurzainul Hakimah Faculty of Economy & Business, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Sri Aliami Faculty of Economy & Business, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia
  • Basthoumi Muslih Faculty of Economy & Business, University of Nusantara PGRI Kediri, Kediri, Indonesia


This study is driven by the online businesses growing rapidly using WhatsApp Group (WAG) which is intentionally created by business actors or village apparatus or by agencies that drive the public's economy such as the city/district cooperative and MSME’s offices (DinKop), even by community organizations such as Muslimat NU. There is no business motive for admins or WAG makers, yet rather to provide space and solutions to sustaining the public's economy during Covid-19 Pandemic. The problem is how retailers become competitive in a market that does not implement a sales, payment, and transaction system. This study aims to show the reality of digital business which has undergone a massive transformation due to Covid-19 pandemic pressure since the edge of 2019. This study is qualitative research, where the main data is obtained from the public community in social media, WhatsApp Group (WAG). Netnography is used as a research method to elevate the reality of life in a digital/internet-based technology society. The data analysis results that derived from capture and confirmation of sources indicate that to be competitive, MSME’s retail must carry out several business strategies, including: having an electronic communication strategy in the form of unique and attractive visuals and word choice, competitive pricing strategies, increasing service responsiveness, updating WAG information consistently, and maintaining an E-WOM constantly positive on social media.


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How to Cite

Hakimah, . E. N. ., Aliami, S. ., & Muslih, B. . (2022). THE NETNOGRAPHIC PORTRAIT: COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES OF MSME’S RETAIL BUSINESS VIA “WAG” DURING COVID-19 PANDEMIC. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 782–791. Retrieved from