
  • Herry Yulistiyono Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia
  • Bambang Setiyo Pambudi Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Trunojoyo Madura, Bangkalan, Indonesia


This research aims to identify obstacles and proceed with analyzing problem solving that may be carried out by BUMDesa institutions as an alternative to developing halal tourism in Madura. The existence of BUMDesa is expected to be able to provide services to the needs of the community and improve the management of existing village assets. It is a necessity if the BUMDesa institution which is formed mainly based on tourism villages is able to contribute to the economic income of the village and besides that it is able to encourage the development of halal tourism in locations according to the theme that is the target of this research contribution. This study uses descriptive quantitative analysis through an interpretive approach and with key informants from various relevant representative elements to answer the objectives of this research.BUMDesa are mainly business units that manage tourist villagesin order to support the development of halal tourismas one of the pillars of local economic empowerment, a comprehensive plan is needed to explore the potential of the village to become a tourist village, and then support for rules/regulations related to BUMDesa that can be accepted by grassroots communities, transparency, development of capacity building for BUMDesa management, support for capital strengthening and assistance for BUMDesa efficient and sustainable, as well as increasing the active participation of the community in various BUMDesa programs or activities in stimulating the local economy in the region, especially in Madura.


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How to Cite

Yulistiyono, H. ., & Pambudi, B. S. . (2022). THE ROLE OF VILLAGE OWNED ENTERPRISES (BUMDesa) IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HALAL TOURISM IN MADURA. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 797–806. Retrieved from