
  • Yutiandry Rivai Faculty of Business, Pelita Indonesia Institute of Technology Business, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Lilis Ardini Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


Technological developments provide many breakthroughs and conveniences in various elements and aspects of life. One of the companies that take advantage of the development of internet technology is Gojek. Gojek has now grown to become a leading on-demand mobile platform and application by providing a full range of services ranging from transportation, logistics, payments, food delivery services, and various other on-demand services. The purpose of this study is to explain how the influence of customer value and company image on customer satisfaction through trust as an intervening variable for Gojek users in Pekanbaru City. In this study use a quantitative approach, the population is Gojek users in Pekanbaru City. The sampling technique is Non-Probability sampling with purposive sampling method. The total sample in this study was 240 samples with the condition that had made transaction service orders though Gojek. The research instrument used a questionnaire and analysis using Warp-PLS 6.0. The results of this study indicate that the variable Customer Value, Corporate Image has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction through Trust as an intervening variable.


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How to Cite

Rivai, Y. ., & Lilis Ardini, L. A. (2022). THE EFFECT OF CUSTOMER VALUE AND COMPANY IMAGE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION THROUGH TRUST AS INTERVENING VARIABLES ON GOJEK USERS IN PEKANBARU CITY. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 1303–1317. Retrieved from