
  • Enjud Darojat Doctoral of Management Study Program, STIESIA,Surabaya
  • Ikhsan Budi Riharjo Doctoral of Management Study Program, STIESIA,Surabaya


Upholding the law and maintaining security in the sea of Indonesia’s national jurisdiction is one of the tasks of the Indonesian Navy (TNI AL). As a part of TNI AL, the Fleet Command II (Koarmada II) has a task to carry out sea operations. However, the sea operations have not been implemented optimally because of the lack of supporting performance from reliable radio communication operators. This condition is influenced by various factors, including the ability and motivation of the radio operators. This article aims to study the role of the soldiers’ ability and motivation, especially the radio operators’, to the performance of the Koarmada II’s Communication and Electronics Office (Diskomlek Koarmada II). This study uses quantitative method with data collection conducted using questionnaires. The respondents consist of 63 soldiers responsible for the radio communication in Diskomlek Koarmada II. The measurement in the questionnaires uses the Likert scale and was analyzed using SPSS software. The result shows that ability and motivation influence the performance of Diskomlek Koarmada II by 53%.


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How to Cite

Darojat, E., & Riharjo, I. B. (2020). SOLDIERS’ COMPETENCY AND MOTIVATION’S ROLE IN ENHANCING UNIT’S PERFORMANCE. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 1(1). Retrieved from



International Conference of Business and Social Sciences

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