
  • Jennifer Chandra Institut Bisnis dan Teknologi Pelita Indonesia, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
  • Suhermin Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


The purpose of the article is to develop new knowledge to better understand the influence of service quality and university image on word of mouth. The sample used were the higher education students from 13 higher educations within Riau Provinces, with total of 570 respondents. The exogenous variables used are service quality and university image, while the endogenous variable used is the word of mouth. The data collected will be analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) by using statistic analyzer tools, SPSS 21 and AMOS 21. The findings of this article show that both service quality and university image do have a positive and significant influence on word of mouth.


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How to Cite

Chandra, J. ., & Suhermin, S. (2022). THE INFLUENCE OF SERVICE QUALITY AND UNIVERSITY IMAGE ON WORD OF MOUTH IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS IN RIAU PROVINCE. International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 172–184. Retrieved from

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