
  • Irtanto Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Provinsi Jawa Timur
  • Cecilia Rita Juliana Martin Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


This study aims to describe the leadership style that is applied to the Balitbang Budget Program Staff in East Java, so as to improve the performance of the Balitbang Budget Program employees in it. This refers to the increasing demands on government performance in serving the needs of the East Java Province Balitbang budget makers. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive type. Choice of informants using purposive. While the data collection was done by observation, interviews and documentation studies. Data analysis used the triangulation technique of data sources, namely by reducing data, presenting data, verifying and final drawing of data obtained by comparing information with secondary data, and comparing the information with relevant theories. From the data obtained in the field, the results of this study indicate that the democratic leadership style applied in the performance of the employees of the East Java Balitbang Budget Program is considered good enough to improve the performance of the employees of the East Java Balitbang Budget Program.


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How to Cite

Irtanto, I., & Martin, C. R. J. . (2022). LEADERSHIP STYLE IN IMPROVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE IN EAST JAVA RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT BUDGET PROGRAM . International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 691–698. Retrieved from https://debian.stiesia.ac.id/index.php/icobuss1st/article/view/222