
  • Saechurroji STIE YAPAN Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Cecilia Rita Juliana Martin Indonesia School of Economics (STIESIA), Surabaya, Indonesia


The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing strategy in improving consumer purchasing decisions at the Adelia Fashion Store Surabaya. By using this type of qualitative research and descriptive research, the data collection method is through interviews, documentation, observation and data analysis, with a population of 7 people, namely 1 Head of Adelia Fashion Store. This researcher produces the findings of the analysis through interviews with the head of the Adelia Fashion Store and employees applied by the Adelia Fashion Store to improve consumer purchasing decisions at the Adelia Fashion Store in marketing products, namely: Market segmentation, Targeting and Positioning and using strategies consisting of: The components of the mix are product, price, place and promotion, people, processes and physical facilities. The marketing strategy used at the Adelia Fashion Store can increase consumer purchasing decisions for the products offered and keep consumers buying products at the Adelia Fashion Store. The results of the study also concluded that the marketing strategy carried out by Adelia Fashion Store Surabaya was running well and quite effective.


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How to Cite

Saechurroji, S., & Martin, C. R. J. . (2022). MARKETING STRATEGIES IN IMPROVING CONSUMER PURCHASE DECISIONS IN ADELIA FASHION SHOP SUABAYA . International Conference of Business and Social Sciences, 2(1), 699–707. Retrieved from